Friday, August 24, 2012

What I Did In Class

I enjoy going to my public speaking class it's one of my favorites so far. The activities that we do are fun. I do have trouble speaking in-front of the class but I know I will get use to it before I know it. I thought it was pretty hilarious when the teacher made us read in-front of the class and do things wrong while you were up there.
When it would come to other people's turn some of them would make me laugh. Public speaking for me is the most entertaining class. The teacher is pretty funny. What I like the most is that the assignments they give us they aren't to hard for us to do.  I also enjoy getting to know the people in my class a lot more. I think that's important if you want to be friends with someone.
There are times when she assigns us an assignment and makes no sense like describing a color to a blind person.

1 comment:

  1. What are some of the activities you enjoyed most? Do you think you will enjoy class as much with a different teacher when Mr. Paul gets back? Did you have to get in front of the class to describe a color to a blind person? I wonder if it was an exercise in just talking off the top of your head, or maybe it was more for getting you to practice using words in new ways.
