Thursday, August 23, 2012

What We Read (planet earth article)

My strongest opinion about this article is that this was the most idiotic thing I have read. When we started reading it the first thing that crossed my mind was what in the world is the teacher making us read. I got the message of the passage which was that we need to learn how to take care of our planet. The way we treat the earth is as if it was a trash can. People need to learn how to recycle and learn how to be green. There are different ways to try to be green and even if your only doing one thing it helps make a big difference. Like if you decide to separate garbage and recycle products and put them in the right recycle bin it might seem like it's not much but it will help the earth. There are parts that confused me at moments but I had to re-read it until I understood what it was trying to say.
Whenever it said " leave or I will destroy you" all I thought was the earth can't talk or destroy things. At first the article was humorous but then I got over it since I am not three years old. We should really read things in our age or grade level.  This article for me was childish and didn't grab my attention.


  1. So you found the Earth talking to be a childish technique? Was that what bothered you about the article? Why did you think it was humorous at first but not later?

  2. I did I believe it would grab a child's attention more than mine.It didn't bother me it just got me bored. The reason why was because it was unexpected but after a while it got old and it bored me.
