Thursday, September 20, 2012

Why should you be active?

The question is why should you be active? The reason why is because the more active you are the less chances you have of getting sick. Did you know that if your active even if it means dancing, riding a bike, or other it can actually help you live longer and a better life. Everyone should be healthy eat right and excersize right. You should eat right so you won't become obese when you come to a certain weight and it goes beyond what your actually suppose to weigh it can get you very sick, you can get diseases or it can actually kill you sometimes. This is a couple of reason why you should eat right even if you don't exactly eat that healthy you should at least work out and become healthy. Staying active helps you and others.
I know this lady that is 100 years old and she can still dance, do excersize and other things that most young people are able to do and she can do all of these things because ever since she was young she has always been active and because of that she is still with us today and is able to do so much. if you really want to live for a long time and be healthy then you should consider being active.

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